Choro-Q E04 Levin AE86 Red
Choro-Q : Japanese pullback car. The name comes from the cute car that drives around(Choro choro). Choro choro cute = Choro Cute = Choro-Q
The way you play changes depending on the number of pullbacks.
1. Play with pullbacks - 1~4 pullbacks
You can choose between "straight ahead," "random turn," and "backspin" driving patterns.
1 pullback - Straight
2 pullbacks - Random turn
3 pullbacks - Back spin
4 pullbacks - Long straight
Insert the included coin in the coin holder on the back. It will do a wheelie and run.
2. Play with programming - Register your favourite driving patterns after 5 pullbacks
You can set three driving patterns in sequence up to five times depending on the number of pullbacks.
Set your own driving pattern!!